Keep Calm Driving School

David Hamilton
01236 879355
07720 252616

Refresher Courses

Like many other aspects of life, driving has become a norm for many people. It is a vital component of ability in the job market, a commercial tool ensuring productivity, not to mention the social benefits too.

Although you have your license, your driving can always be improved. If you are not used to driving on the left, or there are aspects of driving you are fearful of approaching - like motorways, parallel parking, night driving - then these courses are designed to help you in that area.

Even a confident, competent driver can benefit from such courses too. Aggressive driving attitudes, ill-timed gear changes, and sudden braking can all lead to wasting money through new tyres, fuel consumption, or the general wear and tear of the vehicle.

So why not improve your driving? Contact us for more information, and we can get to work creating the perfect course to improve your skills.