Keep Calm Driving School

David Hamilton
01236 879355
07720 252616

Our Car

The vehicle we provide is a dual-controlled Citroen C3 HDi, which is changed every 2 years. The car is regularly serviced by Citroen meaning you are guaranteed a high quality vehicle, which is key when learning to drive.

As a vehicle, the Citroen C3 is a very good beginners car. Its simplicity and reliability provides good foundations for you to drive other vehicles once you pass your test and get your license.

Dual-controls provide peace of mind, for us as well as you! On a more serious note though, you can be confident that whilst developing your skills our instructor will be able to assist you and prevent you from losing total control. One of the best ways to learn is to make mistakes, and he will not prevent you from making mistakes, but he will be there to ensure that when you do make an error you can correct it in the proper way.